Latest Me:

Latest Me:

Monday, May 21, 2007

~ i'm still young ~

Two Saturday ago, I had once again celebrated my friend 21 yo birthday… waw… it is third time I went for people birthday party… and it was more normal than the two before… haha… not so big size and make people feel comfortable…

During the day time, went to sing k with buddies at green box in a new open de jusco which I oso not really know where is it… the price quite ok… rm10++ per person, including lunch and refillable drinks…

Ofcoz, the birthday party started at night… since she is a Christian, the party shall go on with songs and blessings… so warm and sweet... Haha…

This party is like a reunion for other people, but not for me… as those faces already seen during chinese new year gathering…

Ops, forgot to mention the ‘she’… chin nee… u old liao lo… become old lady… feel so sorry to her, last time sent her a ghost story and made her cry at 3am… wahaha !

The birthday girl

let me count count who else older than me sin... FS, SM, WY, CN, MT, LOOI, HK, MS, LF, DZ... So many old man old lady... haihzzz...


~ 我又能上网了 ~ aiyoyo ~



开始有点想念以前大学的日子 tim…

这两个礼拜,我无所事事,不能上网,或者正确地说,我以为不能上网,因两个多月前已申请暂停掉 streamyx 服务了…

就在我以为不能上网的时候,它前几天竟然寄一张 bill 过来,还 charge 了我两个月的费用...

aiyoyo… 没办法,只好还了它继续上网啰… 不然会闷死在家里没人知… lolx… =.=”

害我白白用了一个礼拜多 dial up.... cheh

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

永别了,俺的宿舍... farewell, my lovely hostel ~

Haha.. feel wierd why my blog in English this time? since there is a high demand for me to use english write the blog... i'll try to do so this time although my command of english is quite bad... sumore, it can improve my english as well...

tonite is the last nite for me staying at taman melewar hostel... hurray~ finally can leave this place.. many of my friends had already back to their home town...
juz left few of us here, becoz got somebody hold me don let me go... haih...

after finish packing onli realize that i have so many things... even though few days ago already packed 1 time and move all stuff to another house... but now still got many many things that cant muat into my lugage... swt...

as i said... new life will begin later and yet i still havent figure out what shud do during my 2 months long holiday... perhaps juz eat and sleep? lolx..

anyway.. hope all of u have an enjoyable holiday and take care urself... bye~ farewell ~

my house

my desk... use to do many assignments with it... my bed... clean and tidy..
cleanliness is godliness? lolx...

people say oversea moon is more round.. izit true ?? hmm...


哈... 小弟的 blog 看来像 photo album 多过像 blog... haha...

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干脆来个 06/07 年回顾 !第一学期篇 (1)

第三个 post… 就先写写小弟怎么跟 KUITTHO 结下不解之缘吧…


结果一查之下,很幸运的我被 KUITTHO录取了,而且还offer 我 pengurusan teknologi…

Huh, 什么东东来的? Kuittho? Pengurusan teknologi? 我记得我没看过也没申请过这样的课程和大学…可是为何… 可能的解释就是我被 offer 十个选择以外的课程了…


记得有次跟 farn siang 回学校 approve cert… 在学校遇到 pn tan… 给了我很大的鼓励,说要读 accounting 几时都能读,但政府的就只有一次机会… 其实也对… 而且也比较省钱…

哈… 结果 七月二号 自己一个人傻傻的跑去位于 Johor batu pahat 的 KUITTHO 了… 忘了说
KUITTHO 的全名就是 Kolej Univerisiti Tun Hussein Onn…

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Kampus Bandar
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket 小弟的 fakulti

小弟的班说大不大说小不小…就三十多人吧… 十三个华人和一个印度人…

既然是回顾… 就当然少不了照片…

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八月十二… 不只是什么原因… 突发奇想… 跑回 KL 跟从新加坡回来的朋友聚旧…
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketKL 淡茶屋
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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
重点不是后面的 annie,而是前面的“花茶”… lolx…

八月二十九… lynn 生日…
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket寿星婆

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九月十三… 去 Cha ah golf club… 很遗憾,没拍到照片…

九月二十四… 瀑布一日游…

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九月二十五… BPA course mate 一起去 Summit 打保龄球…

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干脆来个 06/07 年回顾 ! 第一学期篇 (2)

十月十三… BPA 学生 再一次去 Summit 看电影… 宝贝计划… 晚上还吃火锅… 想到时候已晚,回去时可能会危险… 说下说下结果一向行事冲动的 BPA 决定留下并一伙儿去 lynn 家过夜… 哈… 当然那晚少不了一些趣事发生… 例如: 晓晴跟 Rajeev, 小 looi 跟 丽芳, 他们还创造了不少经典回忆… 第二天, lynn 爸爸还带我们四处参观 batu pahat 呢 !

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趁着十月中的小 break,小弟与中六同学去了 sunway lagoon 和 sunway pyramid 小玩一下,疏解上学的压力…

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucketchicken buffet 餐厅合照

十月十九… 可说是 sem 1 最后一天上课… 大家约好穿 batik 上学…

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket我和梦瑕
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket我和小 looi
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket我和丽珊
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket我和可宁
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket我和美鑫
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket我和丽芳
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket十四人合照

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就这样,大考之后, 大学 sem 1 总算圆满结束…


Friday, May 4, 2007

结束= 新的开始?新的生活?新的 blog ?




像之前的开幕,浮夸般的华语,只有 PMR 水准的我是没办法写出来的。真要感谢他帮我

做个 opening… 他是谁并不重要,可能也只是人生中的过客…


昨天,大考正式结束… 不知为何,很多人都赶着走… 弄到好像没有了考完事后的那种兴







的确,考试只读老师的 tips 已成为一种风气…




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Thursday, May 3, 2007


迈 入人生新纪元,为开创我未来光明前程,



美好时光 ,灿烂岁月,都能一一记录。



但愿在离开人世闭上眼的那霎那, 也能带着买好的记忆归去。














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